Individual and Team Communication

The meaning of your communication is the response that you get.

If we continually receive favorable feedback in the way people respond to us, it means we are communicating effectively. Conversely, if we seem to generate a consistent or familiar negative or undesirable reaction from people then it may have something to do with how we are communicating. By this definition, we are communicating unsuccessfully.

For most people, we are fairly unconscious of how our own conditioned ways of being, our conditioned behavioral traits and communication styles are clouding our perceptions of people, communication and circumstances.

For a sales professional, it may cost a small fortune in lost sales opportunities because we were unaware of blind spots in our communication.

You may recognize this familiar feeling when you meet someone over the phone or in person and you say to yourself “Oh no, not another one of those types of people”

For anyone in a leadership capacity, our blind spots can hold entire organizations back, cause unnecessary turnover and create massive losses in productivity over time.

You may not even be aware of how you are being perceived by the most critical people within your team or how to bridge this gap.

To a competitive athletes and coaches in a team sport environment, communication happens on a conscious and unconscious level. Instinctively, we know how our body responds but are we aware of how our conditioned behavioral traits and communication style may be holding us back from a greater contribution to our team and our potential?

Your own need for significance (for whatever your driving motivation may be) is what got you to the top of your sport but how do you see and understand how this may also be standing in your own way?

With a new awareness of one’s self and our conditioned communication patterns we can begin to experience more ease and effectiveness with the people around us. Sometimes this awareness is a blessing and at other times, we may feel like we are fighting our own natural tendencies. It is unrealistic to be someone we are not but it is important to realize when we are in our own way. It is our hope and objective with the use of a newfound sense of awareness that we can learn to recognize our conditioned patterns of unproductive communication. When this happens we are “at choice” instead of frustration or difficulty. With a new awareness and a fresh perspective we can choose to respond instead of react, we can experience more ease and self awareness which will ultimately lead to more ease in our personal and business life.

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