Spreading & embedding high velocity learning

Individual and Group Transformational Self-Leadership Experiences.

Opening a fresh conversation with your team about creating open communication and transparency fosters self-awareness, self-leadership, and accountability.

The take-aways for each participant are meaningful and tangible in both their personal and professional lives.

The Facilitation Mindset & Philosophy:

Transparency and open communication foster trust. 

If executives and leaders are unwilling to receive respectful and private feedback about how they sometimes get in their own way, why should anyone else within the team?

The Executive Team Exploration Process:

  1. Come In Empty:

Begin initial interviews with each executive by entering the conversation empty, without any outcomes in mind or coaching objectives. Respect each person’s model of the world, including their beliefs, understandings, and evaluations of themselves and others.  

     2. Build Neutrality:

Listen, engage, and be curious. Ask relevant questions, but most importantly, listen to the answers and seek to understand.

    3. Build Rapport:

Seek to find relevant areas of mutual connection with each person that align with where the leadership and team are heading. 

Based on the person’s sharing, encourage and suggest realistic and attainable ways to develop their strengths and fill areas needing attention. 

    4. Earn Trust:

Demonstrate authenticity and support when vulnerabilities and uncertainties are shared.

With each interaction, continue to discover how the person would like to grow and develop to strengthen their areas of vulnerability and uncertainty.

Ask for permission to provide private feedback and suggestions for improvement should they appear to be getting in their own way. 

5. Be consistent

The two questions of transformational self-leadership:

Are you being who you said you wanted to be?

Are you doing what you said you would do?

Self-Leadership Topics

How We Get In Our Own Way and What To Do About It
We are all subject matter experts at getting in our own way. The challenge for most people is that we don’t know what to do to break out of our frustrating patterns when we are triggered. In this keynote talk, your audience will have an opportunity to learn and laugh about themselves in a way that is strength-based, healthy and constructive.
Every Culture Is a Reflection Of Its Leadership
We have a problem, and part of the problem is that you are part of the problem. Understanding our blocks to communication and leadership helps us identify what we already know and are compensating for but it doesn’t tell us exactly what to do when we find ourselves in our own way. This training presents opportunities for each person to see their conditioned ways of leading and communicating and to learn specific strategies to shift our thinking and ways of being when we recognize we are triggered.
Team Analysis, Performance Development, and Conflict Resolution
In-depth analysis of each individual with a combined analysis of your entire team. The process that unfolds during this session will reveal a great deal of relevant and actionable information for improving your leaders ability to manage downward to each team member. In turn, each participant will learn how they get in their own way, what to do about it and how to manage upward to their leaders. The result, reduced tension, conflict and stress within the team and more effective communication and coaching strategies for each leader.

Let’s have a conversation

If you’d like to have a conversation about how our approach and methodology for executive development and team collaboration can help accomplish your mission and vision, please be in touch.